Student Loans Are A Trap - Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt
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With the US student loan debt sitting (not so) pretty at $1.6 TRILLION, let's be real here: student loans are a trap.
This t-shirt is sure to start some interesting conversations.
It's pretty crazy that higher education costs what it does in the United States, and there are copious amounts of options for learning how to generate income and earn a living WITHOUT having to subject yourself to decades of debt.
The only people who like keeping things the way they are end up making loads and loads of cash on the backs of students who are just trying to get a better education.
Rock this shirt and push back. Seriously question the idea of going into exorbitant debt to go to school. Look into community college.
Look into Khan Academy. Learn a trade. Start a business. Look into scholarships and grants.
You don't want to enter the work force with thousands and thousands of dollars in debt.
Some of the proceeds from every purchase of this shirt will be donated to organizations dedicated to addressing the issues facing students and those who have been negatively impacted by predatory student loan debt.
This shirt is soft and lightweight, with just the right amount of stretch. It's comfortable and flattering for both men and women.